I understand what is expected of me in my job.
I am consulted about changes affecting my job
I am able to make improvements in how my work is done
My job makes good use of my skills
I have the materials, supplies, and equipment I need to do my work
I receive recognition for good work
I receive the training I need to do my job well
I have good opportunities to develop my career
The people I work with treat me with respect
The people I work with help each other out
My supervisor treats me fairly
My supervisor provides feedback on how well I am doing my job
I can count on my supervisor to help me with a difficult task
Senior managers act on staff feedback
Senior managers are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace
My organization takes effective action to prevent violence in the workplace
My organization takes effective action to prevent abuse in the workplace
My workplace is safe
I am able to balance my family and personal life with work
Would you recommend this organization to friends and family who require care?
You look forward to going to work
You are satisfied with your job